Oban is known as the Gateway to the Isles as it is the major port for ferries to many of Scotland’s Islands including Mull, Islay, Colonsay, Coll, Tiree, Bara, Lismore and South Uist. With all the ferries and fishing boats still active in the area, Oban is bustling town with a population of 8500 making it by far the largest town in the area and Scotland’s most popular west-coast holiday town. The name Oban comes from the Gaelic for small bay.
Oban has been a popular tourist destination since the Victorian era, with a steamship bringing visitors from Glasgow as early as 1812. The town centre is packed with tourist and high street shops alike. In amongst them can be found some great wee pubs with loads of character where you’ll find a good mix of locals as well as visitors all enjoying the lively nightlife.
On the hill over looking the town, McCaigs Tower can be seen. Built at the end of the 19th Century, it is a copy of the Coliseum in Rome and has become Oban’s most famous landmark. It was built to provide employment for the local people as well as a memorial to McCaig’s family, the original plans would have had it standing much taller than at present with statues of his family in all of the arches. Unfortunately when he died in 1900 it was left uncompleted and has come to be regarded as a Victorian folly. On a clear day as well as at sunset, the view is superb looking across to the Islands of Kerrera and Mull.
In the local area, castles are abundant with Dunollie Castle and Dunstaffnage Castle to name a few. Hairy coos are also frequently spotted along Glen Lonan and there are several wildlife sanctuaries which are worth a visit.
Hi I’m Alvin Tucker. As a born and bred Scott, and a "has been" tourist businessman since my business went bust, I have a lot to offer my readers in life. So please check out my posts...
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